Pakistan Journal of Statistics (PJS) is a multi-disciplinary journal covering, statistics, technology, engineering and mathematics and publishes manuscripts containing contributions to theory of statistics and probability and its application to physical, biological, agricultural, social, demographic and economic sciences. Expository and survey articles on any aspect of recent important areas of statistics and probability are also welcome. All papers are refereed by at least two experts in the area.
The papers should be typed in 5" x 7.5" measurements (i.e. width = 5", height 7.5"). Matter of all types should be typed in Times New Roman (10-points medium). However, all headings should be bold, with main headings in UPPER CASE and centered, while sub-heads be in Upper Lower case and left justified.
The articles should be typed in accordance with the instructions. These should preferably be typed in Microsoft Word. Running titles should be inserted to print on the top of the page in the following manner:
First Page: No running title, only page number in the bottom centre, 0.25” away from the bottom line of the page.
Odd Page: Page No. left justified, Author (s) name right justified.
Even Page: Article’s caption, left justified Page No. right justified.
Running title should print 0.25” away from the top line of the page.
Papers may either be submitted to Editor or any member of the International Board of Editors through email. Paper should be typed double spaced. Title should be as concise as possible. The abbreviated title should also be given as a running title and be given at the bottom of the first page entitled “Running Title”.
Each paper is required to contain an abstract, which should be descriptive and should not exceed 200 words. It should indicate all the main results in the paper.
Each section and formula should be numbered in Arabic numbers including acknowledgement and references. Footnotes and explanations in parentheses should be avoided as far as possible. In case footnotes are essential, these should be identified by superscript number in the text and typed at the bottom of the page separating it from the main text by a line.
Key Words used in the paper are required and should be given following the abstract. Any word in the title of the paper should not be repeated as a key word.
The subject classification number representing the primary and secondary subjects of the paper as given in the American Mathematical Society 1970 are required and should be given as a footnote on page 1 of the paper.
Each figure, diagram and table should be prepared on separate pages with proper titles and numbers on top of figures and tables.
For typing of mathematical font software must be used like Mathtype.
References should be listed at the end of the paper serially alphabetically. No reference should be listed unless cited in the text of the paper. The references should be typed double spaced and should follow the style:
1. Bahadur, R.R. (1967). Rates of convergence of estimates and test statistics. Ann. Math. Statist., 38, 303-324.
2. Brewer, K.R.W. and Hanif, Muhammad (1983). Sampling with Unequal Probabilities. Springer Verlag, New York.
In the text, a reference should be referenced as Bahadur(1967) and not as Bahadur(1).
Please note that publication charges for a funded research is US$ 50/- per page which will be paid by author’s institution. However, if the research is not funded then author(s) should have to pay a total of US$ 200/- by himself/herself. If the size of any accepted paper exceeds 15 journal pages, additional US$10.00/page charge will apply.
For Pakistani author a lumpsum of PKR: 20,000/- will be charged as paper publication/handling charges. Likewise Pakistani author should pay PKR: 1,000/- per page extra for additional pages exceeds to 15 journal pages.
The publication charges should only be charged after the issuance of acceptance letter.