The idea of initiating a journal of statistics was conceived by Dr. Munir Ahmad, after completion of his PhD in statistics from Iowa State University, USA in 1968. He returned with a mission to promote statistics and research in Pakistan, and thus the need for a decent national journal of Statistics was recognized. With this aim in view, Dr. Munir Ahmad, in association with Mr. Mazhar Hussain, Director, Social Sciences Research Centre, Punjab University decided to publish the Pakistan Journal of Statistics (PJS). The first volume was published in 1985 with the Centre’s modest support. After the publication of its second volume, Dr. Munir Ahmad and Mr. Mazhar Hussain, were encouraged by the response from readers, both from within and outside Pakistan, and the rest is history.
However, PJS would not have been possible single handedly. It owes a lot to efforts of vary sincere people like Mr. Mazhar Hussain who, in spite of his ophtalmic disorder, worked for the Journal until his retirement. Then there were Dr. Munir Ahmad’s colleagues at the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, who were generous enough to become life members without any assurance whether the journal would continue or not. PJS is also indebted to Mr. Hasnat Khatana, the first Editor who worked day and night for publishing the first issue of the Journal in 1985. He remained with us till he was transferred by his parent department. He was replaced by Mr. Mahmood Khalid Qamar who worked as diligently as Mr. Hasnat Khatana till the Journal was streamlined. What you see of this Journal now is the hard work of Mr. Khatana and Mr. Qamar. We owe our gratitude to them.
We are indebted to Dr. Muhammad Hanif, the then Editor PJS who almost single-handedly took up the responsibility of the Journal. Then there was Mr. Akhlaq Ahmad, Executive Editor, PJS and Executive Director, Islamic Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS) Headquarters Office, Lahore, Pakistan, who along with Miss Iffat Khawaja have appreciably contributed to the success of the Journal.
The Editorial Board offers specific acknowledgement to Mr. Muhammad Jamil Butt, retired Senior System Analyst, Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, currently the proprietor of “Lahore Computer Composing & Printing”, for printing and publishing of the Journals. Last but not the least, services rendered by Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar, Office Secretary are without any doubt unrivaled and are greatly appreciated.
With first publication in 1985, the Journal has entered its 35th year and we feel proud of making our humble contribution to the knowledge of statistics. We have tried many publisher/printers to improve the quality of the Journal and we are continuously working towards its improvement.
Taking up the daunting task of publishing a statistics journal in a developing country like Pakistan, particularly when there was none, and carrying it on for 35 years has not been an easy journey for Dr. Munir Ahmad, the founding Editor. It was his ‘dream come true’. He worked relentlessly against all odds and died a happy man on June 29th, 2019. His contributions to the world of statistics and academia shall never be forgotten.