Peer Review Policy for the Pakistan Journal of Statistics (PJS)
Peer Review Policy for the Pakistan Journal of Statistics (PJS)
Peer review process is strictly followed by PJS for maintaining and improving the quality of its publications.Once a manuscript is submitted, it goes through a uniform process, which is as under:
Initial screening of the manuscript
Every manuscript is initially evaluated by the Editors to see if it fits the aims, scope and guidelines of the journal. Manuscripts that are poorly written, or do not fit the submission guidelines, or lack of originality, novelty or significant contribution to the field are desk-rejected and the decision is conveyed to the author(s) within one to two weeks. Manuscripts meeting the minimum criteria are checked for plagiarism and then forwarded for the peer review process. A manuscript which is exceptional in the opinion of the editors may be accepted for publication at the initial stage as well.
Type of Peer Review
The PJS has a double blind peer review, where the reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the process.
How the reviewer is selected?
Reviewers are selected from the reference list of the paper in order to get the views of the gurus of the area.
What do the peers evaluate?
Reviewers are expected to evaluate a manuscript for:
• originality
• novelty
• relevance
• contribution to the field
• soundness of methodology
• clear presentation of results
• conclusions, if they are in line with the results
• appropriate referencing of previous literature
• ethical standards
Reviewers are not expected to do the following:
• improve language
• copyedit or correct manuscripts
• offer personal opinion to the authors (opinion to be published or not can only be given in the confidential comments to the editor)
Duration of peer review process
The assigned time for review is 2-8 weeks and fortnightly soft reminders are typically sent after the end of fourth week.
If there are opposing views, manuscript is sent for further review.
In case of minor revisions, the manuscript is sent back to the author(s) and revised manuscripts are asked to be sent back within four weeks.
In case the period of review lapses and the reviewers do not respond, the manuscripts may be sent to other reviewers from the reference lists.
Final review report
The reviewers may reject a manuscript, accept the manuscript or accept it with minor revisions.
If the reviewers find the manuscript fit for publications, the decision is conveyed to the author(s) with recommendations of the reviewers if any; and, publication process is initiated.
Editor’s Decision is final
Editors have the final authority to accept or reject the manuscript, based on the advice of the reviewers.
Special Issues / Conference Proceedings
Special issues and/or conference proceedings will not necessarily follow the above-mentioned process and include Guest Editors, or scientific committees may be invited as reviewers.