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Vol. 36, October 2020, No. 4
Weighted Gamma-Pareto Distribution and Its Application
Aijaz Ahmad Dar,
Aquil Ahmed
Javaid Ahmad Reshi
Efficient Plug-in Estimators of the Topp-Leone Distribution Shape Parameter
Ahmad Zghoul
Random Matrices and Application to the Paris Stock Market Prices
Baraka Achraf Chakir
Mentagui Driss
Yamoul Nada
Inverse Rayleigh Minimax Distribution: Properties and Applications
Anwar Hassan
Showkat Ahmad Dar
Sameer Ahmad Wani
Nazima Akhtar
Proposed Bayesian Estimators of the Scale Parameter in Nakagami Distribution
Ali Hameed Yousif
Modified Dominance Analysis
El-Houssainy Abd
El-Bar Rady,
Ahmed Amin ELSheikh
Mohamed Rashed Ezzeldin
Vol. 36, July 2020, No. 3
Properties and Applications of A Two-Parameter Inverse Exponential Distribution with A Decreasing Failure Rate
Terna Godfrey Ieren
Jamila Abdullahi
A Non-Iterative Least Squares Estimation of Missing Data in Rectangular Lattice Designs
Abimibola Victoria Oladugba
Emmanuel Ogochukwu Ossai
A New Generalization of Rayleigh Distribution: Properties and Applications
A. A. Bhat
S.P. Ahmad
Fuzzy Equivalence Factors of the Reliability of a Dependent Series System
Neama Salah Youssef Temraz
A New Exponentiated Distribution Applicable to Survival Times
Anwar Hassan
Sameer Ahmad Wani
Sheikh Bilal Ahmad
Vol. 36, April 2020, No. 2
A Multi-Server Queue with Reverse Balking and Impatient Customers
Rakesh Kumar
Bhupender Kumar Som
Statistical Inferences Under Modified Weibull Distribution Based on Progressive First-Failure Censoring Scheme
Saieed F. Ateya
Elham A. Madhagi
Estimation of Two Parameter Powered Inverse Rayleigh Distribution
Nashaat Jasim
Mohammed Anber
Fréchet-Weibull Distribution with Applications to Earthquakes Data Sets
Abd-Elmonem A.M. Teamah
Ahmed A. Elbanna
Ahmed M. Gemeay
A New Family of Distributions for Generating Skewed Models: Properties and Applications
Aminu Suleiman Mohammed
Fidelis Ifeanyi Ugwuowo
Generalized Exponential Distribution for Concomitants of Ordered Random Variables from Bairamov Family
Mohamed Said Mohamed
Vol. 36, January 2020, No. 1
Green Open Vehicle Routing (GOVR) with a Special Truck Lane to Reduce Congestion
Almira Amir
Herman Mamengkang
Saib Suwilo
Area under the ROC Curve as Effect Size Measure
Pablo Martinez-Camblor
Sonia Perez-Fernandez
Susana Diaz-Coto
Type II Half Logistic Exponentiated Exponential Distribution: Properties and Applications
Muritala Abdulkabir
Ipinyomi, R.A
Poisson-Pranav Distribution and its Applications
Anwar Hassan
Sameer Ahmad Wani
Sumeera Shafi
Lindley-Quasi Xgamma Distribution: Properties and Applications
Anwar Hassan
Sameer Ahmad Wani
Sumeera Shafi
Sheikh Bilal Ahmad