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Vol. 34, January 2018, No. 1
New Approach to Improve Anomaly Detection using A Neural Network Optimized by Hybrid ABC and PSO Algorithms
Waheed Ali H.M. Ghanem and Aman Jantan
The Odd Lindley BURR XII Distribution with Applications
T.H.M. Abouelmagd, Saeed Al-mualim, Ahmed Z. Afify, Munir Ahmad and Hazem Al-Mofleh
Modeling Cesarean Versus Natural Birth Data with Suspicious Zero Counts Should Be A Prelude to Healthcare Cost Analysis
Anwar Hassan, Peer Bilal Ahmad and Ramalingam Shanmugam
Statistical Features Extraction for Character Recognition using Recurrent Neural Network
Saeeda Naz, Arif I. Umar, Saad B. Ahmed, Riaz Ahmad, Syed H. Shirazi, M. I. Razzak and Amir Zaman
Weighted High Leverage Collinear Robust Ridge Estimator in Logistic Regression Model
Syaiba Balqish Ariffin and Habshah Midi
Estimation and Prediction for Nadarajah-Haghighi Distribution based on Record Values
Mahmoud A. Selim
Vol. 34, March 2018, No. 2
Newly Proposed Estimator for Ridge Parameter: An Application to the Nigerian Economy
Adewale F. Lukman and Arowolo Olatunji
Transmuted Size-Biased Exponential Distribution and Its Properties
Ijaz Hussain, Zaheer Abbas and Zahoor Ahmad
Generalized Multivariate Exponential Type (GMET) Estimator using Multi-Auxiliary Information under Two-Phase Sampling
Ayesha Ayaz, Zahoor Ahmad, Aamir Sanaullah and Muhammad Hanif
Coding Theorems on New Additive Information Measure of Order ?
Ashiq Hussain Bhat and M.A.K. Baig
Two Parametric New Generalized Average Code-Word Length and Its Bounds in Terms of New Generalized Inaccuracy Measure and Their Characterization
Ashiq Hussain Bhat, Mohd Javid Dar and M.A.K Baig
Ranked Set Sampling Approach for Estimating Response of Developmental Programs with Linear Impacts under Successive Phases
Girish Chandra, Rajiv Pandey, D.S. Bhoj, Raman Nautiyal, Jawaid Ashraf and Med Ram Verma
Vol. 34, May 2018, No. 3
The Kumaraswamy Exponentiated Frechet Distribution
Mahmoud M. Mansour, Gokarna Aryal, Ahmed Z. Afify and Munir Ahmad
A Generalized Weighted Maxwell Distribution: Properties and Estimation
Aamir Saghir and G.G. Hamedani
A Note on Product Generalized Pearson Type VII Distribution
Hafiz Muhammad Salman, Zafar Iqbal, Azeem Ali and Munir Ahmad
Discrete Inverse Weibull Beta Model: Properties and Applications in Health Science
B.A. Para and T.R. Jan
The Marshall-Olkin Generalized G Poisson Family of Distributions
Mustafa C. Korkmaz, Haitham M. Yousof, G.G. Hamedani and M. Masoom Ali
Vol. 34, July 2018, No. 4
Characterization and Bayesian Inference for Exponentiated Generalized Standard Inverse Exponential Distribution
Kawsar Fatima and S.P. Ahmad
Robust Within Group Estimator for Fixed Effect Panel Data
Shelan Saied Ismaeel and Habshah Midi
Additive Shared Inverse Gaussian Frailty Model
Arvind Pandey, Lalpawimawha and Shashi Bhushan
On Development of Four-Parameters Exponentiated Generalized Exponential Distribution
Bukoye, Abdulwasiu and Oyeyemi, G.M.
Vol. 34, September 2018, No. 5
Estimation of Parameters of Two Parameter Exponentiated Gamma Distribution using R Software
Afaq Ahmad, S.P Ahmad and A. Ahmed
Remark on the EIWG and BGIWG Distributions and their Characterizations
G.G. Hamedani
Bayesian Analysis of Unit Root Testing for Panel Data Time Series Model in the Presence of Time Effect
Jitendra Kumar, Umme Afifa and Anoop Chaturvedi
Classical and Bayesian Estimation of Scale Parameter in Weighted Nakagami Distribution using Real Life Data Sets
Sofi Mudasir and S.P. Ahmad
Exponentiated Generalized Inverse Rayleigh Distribution with Applications in Medical Sciences
Kawsar Fatima, Saima Naqash and S.P. Ahmad
Vol. 34, November 2018, No. 6
A New Three-Parameter Frechet Distribution: Properties and Applications
Mahmoud M. Mansour, Enayat M. Abd Elrazik, Emrah Altun, Ahmed Z. Afify and Zafar Iqbal
Long-Term Survivor Model with Alternative Links in the Cure
Diego I. Gallardo, Heleno Bolfarine and Antonio Carlos Pedroso-De-Lima
Topp-Leone Mukherjee-Islam Distribution: Properties and Applications
Amer Ibrahim Al-Omari and Mohammed Mahmoud Gharaibeh
A New Weibull-Lomax (T-X) Distribution & Its Application
Sharqa Hashmi and Hina Gull
Extended Poisson-Exponentiated Weibull Distribution: Theoretical and Computational Aspects
Mohamed K.A. Refaie