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Vol. 33, January 2017, No. 1
Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Time Series Models with Hetroscedastic Errors
Amjad Ali, Sajjad Ahmad Khan, Alamgir, Umair Khalil and Dost Muhammad Khan
Classical and Bayesian Inference of Pareto Distribution and Fuzzy Life Times
Muhammad Shafiq
On Generalized Alternative Hyper-Poisson Distribution
Muhammad Shoaib, Zafar Iqbal and Munir Ahmad
Inverted Kumaraswamy Distribution: Properties and Estimation
A.M. Abd AL-Fattah, A.A. EL-Helbawy and G.R. AL-Dayian
Effects of Additive Outliers on Asymmetric GARCH Models
Abdul Raziq, Farhat Iqbal and Ghulam Hyder Talpur
Vol. 33, March 2017, No. 2
On a Multivariate Exponential Distribution Based on a D-vine Copula
Samia A. Adham and Azza I. Alzahrani
The Beta Weibull-G Family of Distributions: Theory, Characterizations and Applications
Haitham M. Yousof, Mahdi Rasekhi, Ahmed Z. Afify, Indranil Ghosh, Morad Alizadeh and G.G. Hamedani
On the Edgeworth Type Expansions for the Distribution of Extreme-Spacings Statistics
uhammad Naeem
On Characterizations of Transmuted Geometric-G Family of Distributions
G.G. Hamedani
Performance of Some Biased Estimators in Misspecified Model under Mahalanobis Loss Function
Gargi Tyagi and Shalini Chandra
Vol. 33, May 2017, No. 3
The Exponentiated Inverse Weibull Geometric Distribution
Younshik Chung, Dipak K. Dey and Myoungjin Jung
Kurtosis of the Sample Mean and the Sample Centroid and its Limiting Values
Ampalavanar Nanthakumar
Application of Multiple Comparison Procedures on an Individual's Innovative Behavior
Samiah Ahmed, Alia Ahmed and Munir Ahmad
Construction of Hyper Graeco Latin Sudoku Square Design
Sundus Hussain, Sareer Badshah and Sher Aslam
An Efficient and High Breakdown Estimation Procedure for Nonlinear Regression Models
Dost M. Khan, Shumaila Ihtesham, Amjad Ali, Umair Khalil, Alamgir, Sajjad Ahmad Khan & Sadaf Manzoor
Vol. 33, July 2017, No. 4
Step Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing Plan for Competing Risk using Adaptive Type-I Progressive Hybrid Censoring
Showkat Ahmad Lone, Ahmadur Rahman and Arif-ul-Islam
Bayesian Analysis of Restricted Random Censorship Model with Burr Type XII Distribution
Muhammad Yameen Danish and Muhammad Aslam
Non-Directional Two-Dimensional Neighbor Designs
Naqvi Hamad and Muhammad Hanif
Modified Class of Ratio and Regression Type Estimators for Imputing Scrambling Response
Muhammad Umair Sohail, Javid Shabbir and Shakeel Ahmed
The Performances of Two Diagnostics Tests: Mcnemar and Newcombe Graphical Approach
Mustafa Agah Tekindal, Can Ate?, Ozlem Gullu Kaymaz and Yasemin Yavuz
Vol. 33, September 2017, No. 5
Weibull Burr X Distribution Properties and Application
Noor A. Ibrahim, Mundher A. Khaleel, Faton Merovci, Adem Kilicman and Mahendran Shitan
Discrete Generalized Weibull Distribution: Properties and Applications in Medical Sciences
B.A. Para and T.R. Jan
Generalized Difference-Cum-Exponential Estimator in Adaptive Cluster Sampling
Muhammad Shahzad Chaudhry and Muhammad Hanif
A Simple Approximation to the Lower Truncated Cumulative Normal Distribution Based on Mill's Ratio
Mohammad M. Hamasha and Mohammad Al-Rabayah
The Modified Exponential Distribution with Applications
Mahdi Rasekhi, Morad Alizadeh, Emrah Altun, G.G. Hamedani, Ahmed Z. Afify and Munir Ahmad
On Solution of Nonlinear Models: A Hybrid Algorithm of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Artificial Showering Algorithm
M. Luqman, M. Saeed and Javaid Ali
Vol. 33, November 2017, No. 6
A Modified Approach for Estimating Process Capability Indices using Improved Estimators
Senem Sahan Vahaplar and Ozlem Ege Oruc
Bayesian Analysis of Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution under Different Loss Functions and Prior Distributions
A.A. Dar, A. Ahmed and J.A. Reshi
Portfolio Selection Using Ant Colony Algorithm and Entropy Optimization
Mohamadtaghi Rahimi, Pranesh Kumar and Gholamhossein Yari
Properties of the Four-Parameter Weibull Distribution and Its Applications
T.H.M. Abouelmagd, Saeed Al-mualim, M. Elgarhy, Ahmed Z. Afify and Munir Ahmad
Beta Generated Kumaraswamy-G Family of Distributions
Laba Handique, Subrata Chakraborty and M. Masoom Ali
Transmuted Weighted Power Function Distributions: Properties and Applications
Al Mutairi Alya O.